Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You keep using that word

Just in case anyone here is confused about the meaning of the word 'love', allow the Australian Christian Lobby to explain it to you:

Brigadier Jim Wallace of the Australian Christian Lobby has no qualms about the law. The head of the influential Christian pressure group said a church school should have the right to expel any openly gay child.

"But I would expect any church that found itself in that situation to do that in the most loving way that it could for the child and to reduce absolutely any negative affects.

"I think that you explain: this is a Christian school, that unless the child is prepared to accept that it is chaste, that it is searching for alternatives as well, that the school may decide that it might be better for the child as well that he goes somewhere else. I think it's a loving response."

If you're wondering, it's here.


  1. Thats scary. Whats wrong with people. No God would approve of that behaviour

  2. OTOH there would appear to humanitarian Christians from, arguably, an unlikely organisation.

    Father Bob.

  3. Brigadier Jim Wallace was boss of the SAS in his last job, so I suppose it's predictable that he approves of tough love, the love that shows you really do care. Predictable too that he believes gays and women in the military stuff it up:
    "There is some discrimination that has to be done to maintain the effectiveness of society."

    Discrimination is ethical and society must be defended! And if shit happens, it is stopping worse shit like polymorphous perversity and Mohammedanism and all that.
