Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often
I will post to this blog more often


  1. Finished those other things, then?

  2. Almost. But I have broken my brain in the process and now I keep forgetting things. I'm hoping it's just overwork and not early-onset Alzheimer's.

  3. My brain's broken too. But it's always been a bit prone to flying off in all directions, which doesn't help. PLUS I just ran into someone from school who kept helpfully remarking that 'that was nearly thirty years ago...' AAArgh.
